The AVK is the oldest interest group representing the plastics industry in Germany. The AVK currently has over 220 member companies and is therefore one of the largest associations in the European composites sector. It represents members along the entire value-added chain in the area of reinforced plastics. Its members include manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials as well as processing companies, machine-tool manufacturers, engineering firms, testing authorities and scientific institutions. The association represents both small and medium- sized companies as well as major multinational concerns. Members of the AVK are mostly based in the Federal Republic of Germany but also in nearby European countries.
The AVK aims to be a one-stop-shop for its members in Germany and Europe providing all the services they require and representing their interests in its dealings with all institutions. Our range of services is classified according to three areas and include the following:
1. Market specific services
- gathering/communicating information?
- lectures, specialistarticles & publicrelations
- open seminars /conventions
- market report & market studies
- annual conference/innovation award
2. Member specific services
- organisation of skilled working parties
- regular newsletter
- participation in trade fairs/seminars
3. Company specific services
- consulting/research
- providing contacts
- in-house services
Organisational integration:
The AVK is integrated into a strong network of German and European partners:
- The AVK is founding member of Composites Germany.
- The AVK is one of four sponsoring associations of the Gesamtverband der Kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie (German Federation of the Plastics Processing Industry (GKV) and represented in both the executive and board.
- Through its membership of the GKV, the AVK is also a part of the plastics trade association Wirtschaftsvereinigung Kunststoff (WVK), which includes both plastics manufacturers (Plastics Europe) and machinery manufacturers (German Engineering Federation (VDMA)). The WVK is a member of the Federation of German Industry (BDI).
- The AVK is a member of the European Composites Industry Association (EuCIA) and also represented on its board.
AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V.
Federation of Reinforced Plastics
Am Hauptbahnhof 10
60329 Frankfurt am Main/Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 69 27 10 77-0 / E-mail: